Checklist for a Program Description (Barker 2016) |
- A clear statement of general purpose and characteristics
- Program objectives and alignment to institutional mission
- Program length, content and level
- Sponsoring school/college/department
- Qualification to be awarded with links to NQF
- Proposed start date and anticipated first cohort graduation
- Partner institutions and evidence of academic relationships
- Target students, prerequisites/co-requisites and admissions requirements
- Anticipated numbers of students and staff
- Program/content complexity and specialization
- Alignment to identified needs (institutional goals)
- Learning focus (distribution of learning from theory to practice)
- Curriculum source and credibility
- Assessment methods and marking scheme
- Assessment balance (from theoretical to applied)
- Achievement standards and international benchmarks
- Learning facilities and resources
- Community / industry linkages and resources
- Staff types, qualifications and experience
- Credit allocation of core and elective learning
- Completion requirements: core courses and number of credits
- Graduate attributes with assessment strategies
- Rules of progression (pathways) to other types of qualifications
- Quality assurance strategies and measures
- Medium-term and long-term development plans
- A list of all courses with intended learning outcomes aligned to course objectives.