guide to top quality education and training
If you want job-related
training or education, you should:
- Step 1:
Decide what industry or career is for you;
- Step 2:
Find out which institutions or agencies can train you;
- Step 3:
Choose the right training service for you by using this guide!
This guide asks you to gather important information. Read it over
first, then begin to ask questions. In the process, you'll become
a good consumer of education and training services.
This guide is based on a comprehensive
description of excellence in training developed by the Canadian
Labour Force Development Board. Use it to help you get the highest
quality training for your dollar. Use it to understand the jargon.
You deserve to know that the resources that go into your training
course, the processes that are followed, and the skills and credentials
you end up with are all of the highest quality. You need training
that is relevant to you and to job prospects, and that makes efficient
use of your time and your abilities.
the Training You Need - Online Consumer's Guide
- Complete the questionnaire online
and get immediate feedback rating the learning institutions you
are considering.
the Training You Need - Printed Version
- If you would like to view or print
a copy of "Getting the Training You Need" click here.
more information
- The sponsors of "Getting the Training
You Need" as well as other education links.