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On-line Skills Self-Assessment Tools
for Canada's Education Website

Client Human Resources Development Canada (Ottawa, Canada)
Learning and Literacy Directorate
Deliverable On-line Skills Self-assessment Tool for CanLearn: Design Considerations and Development Plan (FuturEd, 1998), an extensive paper including such user, format, content, and utility considerations; the criteria for selecting a tool for the CanLearn omnibus website under development by HRDC; recommendations for the appropriate choice; and hyperlinks to numerous existing tools.
  • extensive on-line search for self-assessment tools and interactive skills assessment tools
  • development of criteria for selecting the appropriate tools
  • writing and production of report
  • consultation with HRDC working group and with labour organizations
  • self-assessment processes and limitations
  • interactive self-assessment tools
  • on-line resources
  • Canada’s education and training system
Date Spring 1998
Contact Stephen Walker, Senior Analyst
Learning and Literacy Directorate, HRDC
Ottawa, Canada